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shutterstockMan is Not Just a Number
Sefer Bamidbar is also known as "Book of Numbers". An explanation about the census, the relationship between the census and the camp, and what can we learn from it.
  • How Vows Are Like Idol-Worship
    The beginning of this week's Torah portion of Matot focuses on certain important details pertaining to the laws of vows and oaths. A Torah-mandated oath is one by which one forbids himself to engage in one or more otherwise permitted activities. This leads us to ask a very fundamental question...
  • Oaths and Vows
    Can freedom and order coexist in the human sphere? Can there be a society which is both free and just at the same time?
  • Elijah and the Still, Small Voice
    To preserve tradition and at the same time defend those others condemn is the difficult, necessary task of religious leadership in an unreligious age.
  • Love-Based Zealousness
    The main story in this week's Torah portion is how G-d blessed Pinhas for stabbing to death two public sinners, in his zeal to protect G-d's name from desecration. This blessing is particularly noteworthy, for the Torah specifically mentions that Pinhas was the grandson of man-of-peace par excellence Aharon HaKohen. Do peace and zeal truly come together?
  • A Man Of Spirit
    An artist may be able to create without knowing how to teach others how to create. That doesn't make him less of an artist. But even if an artist is not a great teacher, given a pupil of spirit, that pupil will flourish with very little instruction. Yehoshua's was like the Moon. Because he was 'a man of spirit', he shone from the inspiration of his teacher Moshe.
  • A Tiny Part of the Picture
    The majority are good. The minority are evil. Stay away from the "Bilams" and "Bilamism"; get closer to Moses our Teacher.
  • How to Mend Tears to Reach Unity
    A harsh conflict, which reached its apex with the sale of Yosef, split the family of Yaakov. Between the two leaders of their respective mothers’ parts of the family, Yehuda and Yosef.
  • My Personal Revelation
    We generally relate to a ‘revelation of Eliyahu' as a profound moment in which Eliyahu the Prophet himself appears to us with a message. But is this really so? What is the personal and communal revelation of Eliyahu to all Jews of the world?
  • The Curse of Loneliness
    The battle against antisemitism can be won, but it will not be if Jews believe that we are destined to be alone. That is Bilaam’s curse, not God’s blessing.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר