Beit Midrash

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2 Lessons
    Parashat Hashavua

    A Schemer Who Missed the Message of Tzara’at

    In the last few weeks, we learned how David’s nephew Yonadav ben Shama ostensibly was trying to help David’s son Amnon fulfill his desire but was actually trying to cause problems in David’s family that would enable him to become king. This week we will see that Achitofel did a similar thing – while ostensibly helping Avshalom take over the kingdom from his father, David, Achitofel was actually manipulating to pave the way for his own kingdom. We will approach the matter through the topic of tzara’at (leprosy), which is so much at the heart of our parshiyot.

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Nisan 27 5778
    The Book of Shmuel I

    The Feasibility of Fixing Folly

    Ein Aya Shabbat Chapter B Paragraph 105

    What are examples of contradictions within Mishlei? It says, Do not answer a fool according to his folly” (Mishlei 26:4) and it says, “Answer a fool according to his folly” (ibid. 5). It is not a problem, as one is talking about matters of Torah (one answers) and one is talking about general matters (one does not answer).

    Various Rabbis | Kislev 17 5776
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