Beit Midrash

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55 Lessons

    In the Holy Temple: Garments of Honor and Glory

    Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | 14 Adar 5784

    You light up my life

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | 12 Adar I 5784

    What exactly were the "Urim and tumim" worn by the kohen?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | 12 Adar I 5784

    Pure Gold and Copper

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 9 Adar I 5784
    Parashat Hashavua

    The King’s Horse and Chariot

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | 9 Adar I 5784

    Leadership Means Making Space

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | 4 Adar I 5784

    The Secret to Eternal Life

    Ever since the dawn of time, people have pursued the goal of eternal life. The ancient Egyptians, for example, mummified their bodies, in the belief that this would grant them continuity from one world to another. Even today, many contribute to various Torah or kindness organizations in order to memorialize their loved ones... On a simple level, the aspiration for eternity stems from a positive place in one's soul: the striving to be like our eternal Creator. If so, when we consider the other levels of G-d's creation, we will realize that we are not very close to reaching this goal...

    Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | Adar 8 5783

    Honoring the Priesthood in Our Time

    Tetzave starts out with two verses discussing the oil for the Menorah (lamp) in the Mishkan. It must be "pure beaten olive oil," and the lamp must burn perpetually in the Tent of Meeting. The commentators ask: What are these verses doing here in the portion dealing with the choosing and preparation of the Priests? Why are they not in the passage of the Menorah?

    Rabbi Dov Lior | Adar I 9 5781

    The Ethic of Holiness

    With parshat Tetzaveh, something new enters Judaism: Torat Kohanim, the world and mindset of the Priest.

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Adar I 9 5782
    Various Subjects

    Is Wearing a Kipa Halachically Required?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar I 8 5782

    The Mystery of the Missing Moshe

    The position of Kohen Gadol is arguably the highest in the nation, for he alone could access the Urim V’Tumim & receive Hashem’s verdict for the nation on Yom Kippur.

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar I 8 5782


    Why does the Torah write in detail about making the oil for the Menorah whilst the main purpose is the flame that is litten?

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Adar I 8 5782

    “Aharon Will Arrange them”

    Based on Siach Shaul, p. 280

    How does the mitzva of the oil and the lighting end up in the middle of the blueprints of the Mishkan, in between the description of the structure and its holy vessels and that of the glorious holy garments of the kohanim?

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Adar I 5 5782

    The Counterpoint of Leadership

    One of the most important Jewish contributions to our understanding of leadership is its early insistence of “the separation of powers”. Neither authority nor power was to be located in a single individual or office. Instead, leadership was divided between different kinds of roles.

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Adar 13 5781
    3 min

    How Temple Laws Apply To Modern Israel

    Israel National Torah

    Using one of the laws of the Temple found in Parshat Tetzave to teach something insightful about the building of the modern State of Israel.

    Baruch Gordon | Adar 11 5781

    The Similarities Between Tetzaveh and Purim

    There seems to be great similarities between this Torah reading and the reading of the book of Esther on Purim. Throughout the entire Torah, we find that the name of our great teacher Moshe (after his birth) is found in each weekly portion, with one lone exception. In Tetzaveh Moshe’s name never appears, even though we are aware that Moshe is the one who wrote this portion of the Torah and taught it to the Jewish people for all eternity. We are aware that Moshe is the hidden author, the director of events behind the scenes.

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Adar 10 5781

    Holiness & Hiddenness

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar 10 5780
    3 min

    How Temple Laws Apply To Modern Israel

    Beyond the 4 Amot

    I this week's Parasha we learn that the laws of the Mishkan are precise. On the other hand, in the process of the construction of the temple, the builders are allowed to derive any benefit they want from the temple.

    Baruch Gordon | Adar 9 5780
    Covenant & Conversation

    Dressing to Impress

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Adar 5 5780
    Covenant & Conversation

    Brothers: A Drama in Five Acts

    Tetzaveh 5779

    Tetzaveh 5779

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Adar I 9 5779
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר