Beit Midrash

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9 Lessons
    5 min
    Purim & The Month of Adar

    You Are No Less Than All Those Who Ruled The World

    It's interesting that "Arur Haman" and "Baruch Mordechai" have the same numeric value, but what is the depth of this idea?

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Adar II 12 5782
    3 min
    Purim in Our Time

    Is There A New Israel?

    In the Purim story, Achashverosh, Ahasuerus, dresses himself as the High Priest in the Holy Temple. What did he hope to gain by doing this?

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Adar II 10 5782
    44 min
    The Essence of Purim

    Irony & Hashem's "Sense of Humor" as Basics in Purim and Jewish Thought!

    The Maharal, Rav Kook and others teach of the central theme on Purim of "Overturning"= V'Nahafoch Hu", but the question is: why is this so important? The class suggests 8 reasons why this concept is what convinced Yitro to convert to Judaism, and why this "boomerang" shows not only the irony and humor of God's history, but is so basic to understanding Judaism, justice, philosophy and more.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 13 5781
    3 min
    The Essence of Purim

    Will You Throw Away Your Mask This Purim?

    Sometimes rather than endangering lives, throwing away your mask can save lives. A message for Purim.

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Adar 13 5781
    41 min

    How to Understand Murdering Amalek & Other Mitzvot which Seem "Immoral"?

    Every moral & thinking Jew has asked questions about certain mitzvot which don't seem to "jive" with the morality of God & the Torah itself! Rav Kook, as usual, bravely deals with these issues, & explains that "eternity" means that the Torah also had to be relevant to the primitive world in which it was given 3,300 yrs. ago. He differentiates between some actions, like slavery & bigamy, that had to be "allowed" temporarily in the ancient reality, but were never obligated. Nevertheless, 2 obligations (!) which seem "immoral" are regarding Amalek (killing & remembering-Zachor), & conquering the Land of Israel. But upon a closer look, they aren't immoral at all! When we lack prophets & Sanhedrin, the God Who runs History solves many problems!

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 7 5781
    7 min

    How can eradicating Amalek be a moral action?

    A few minutes from the full shiur "How to Understand the Seemingly “Out-Dated” Mitzvot".

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 1 5780
    Texts of Jewish Thought

    How to Understand the Seemingly “Out-Dated” Mitzvot

    Rav Kook deals “head-on” with the mitzvot which seem “out-dated” or “immoral” to today’s thinking, including Amalek, the death penalties, monarchy, lashes, animal sacrifices, etc.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat
    The Essence of Purim

    Purim-The Vulnerability of Man

    Rabbi Sholom Gold | 5765
    The Essence of Purim

    "Purim Meshulash" and The Purim Song

    Rabbi Sholom Gold
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר