Beit Midrash

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6 Lessons
    Parashat Hashavua

    Ask the Rabbi: Whose Responsibility Is Raising the Wall?

    I built my house years before the next-door property was developed, with an approximately meter-high wall between properties. My property is 2 meters higher than the next one; now they are excavating to build the other house, there will be a 5-meter drop, which I feel makes it dangerous for my children. [He seems to be building according to the permit he received.] My neighbor had agreed to pay for raising the wall, but now is unwilling to pay the significant cost. We cordially disagree whether it is his obligation. Have I misjudged the matter?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Elul 3 5783
    Ki Tetze

    Fulfilling Parashat Zachor on Ki Teitzei

    I heard a chumra that during a leap year, with 13 months between readings of Parashat Zachor, one should have in mind to fulfill the mitzva of zechirat Amalek during the reading of those p’sukim in Ki Teitzei. Should I do that (shuls do not usually announce it)?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Elul 10 5782
    Parashat Hashavua

    Hashem, Our Protector

    Parashat Ha’azinu comes out a couple of days before Sukkot, and it is instructive to look for themes that are common to the two.

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tishrei 8 5782
    Parashat Hashavua

    The Rambam, Rav Yisraeli, Bentching, and Aliya

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Av 19 5779
    Parashat Hashavua

    What is Mishpat Tzedek?

    As we are in the practice of doing for Parashat Shoftim, we will once again deal with an issue that is connected to the work of our Eretz Hemdah-Gazit beit din network, which serves a broad spectrum of society throughout Israel. (One can find back-issues on our website).

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Elul 1 5777
    Parashat Hashavua

    Seeing – In Perspective

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5774
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר