Purim Meshulash

All the information you need about the unique Purim ae are celebrating this year.

אתר ישיבה

So what's special about Purim Meshulash?
Purim Meshulash is when Purim occurs on friday and shabbat. The biggest implication is for people who live in Jerusalem or anywhere that celebrates Purim on the 15 of Adar. Because the Purim occurs on Shabbat some of the Halachot are different. On Friday one reads the Megilah and gives Matanot Laevyonim. On Shabbat one reads the Torah portion of Purim for Maftir and says in the davening Al Hanissim. On Sunday one sends Mishloach Manot and sits down to a merry Purim Seuda.

If you want to read Rabbi kagnof's Shiur on all the Halachot from their source 
click here
For a shorter version press here  or here.

But what is the spiritual idea of this kind of celebration? Listen to 
Rabbi Gold's Shiur

And what about jews out of Jerusalem, or other places, who celebrate Purim on friday, does this affect them? The answer is

For the rest of the Q&A about  Purim continue to 
this page. If you want to see our special page with all what you need about Purim just click here.

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