Why does G-d test us with such difficult challenges?

25 Heshvan 5784

During the course of our lives, we all encounter many different situations, some of which are very difficult and create great hardships. We strive to understand what could be their reasons, but generally without success.

אתר ישיבה
שימוש בתמונה זו נעשה בהתאם לסעיף 27א לחוק זכויות יוצרים. אם הנכם בעלי הזכויות בתמונה זו ומעוניינים שנחדול משימושה או נעדכן קרדיט מתאים, אנא פנו אלינו לכתובת: [email protected]
The following is an answer by Rabbi Uriel Twito. The question was asked about the challenges of Covid-19, but the answer seems just as relevant these days.

During the course of our lives, we all encounter many different situations, some of which are very difficult and create great hardships. We strive to understand what could be their reasons, but generally without success. And the truth is, even if we would understand, it wouldn't help us very much – because knowing the reason we are suffering would not make it go away. We would still have to struggle with it and fight it, until we overcome the difficulty. 

When faced with difficult questions, G-d expects us not to sink into the quagmire of asking "Why?" He wants us rather to invest our efforts into overcoming the problem. This is what happened when our forefathers found themselves on the shores of the Red Sea, being pursued by the Egyptians and seemingly with no way out. Moshe Rabbeinu began to pray to G-d, Who said (Ex. 14,15): "Why do you scream to Me? Speak to the Children of Israel and let them get moving!' That is, instead of crying out, "Why is this happening?" we must take responsibility and seek out what we can do to solve the problem – even if it means jumping into the Red Sea!

Several traditional Jewish sources explain that G-d purposely hides from us the reasons for evil and suffering in the world – for if a person would know G-d's reasons for allowing injustice and suffering, he would not fight against it! A person rises up against evil because he sees no purpose for it – and thus fulfills G-d's will! G-d wants him to struggle and fight against the bad that he sees around him - and not simply ask questions about it, and certainly not to ignore it. 

This, then, is the "reason" for suffering: So that we will overcome it! The question that can really advance a person who is struggling with hardships is not, "Why did this suffering come upon me?" It is rather, "What is this suffering coming to teach me? What does G-d want to tell me via this hardship that I am facing?" One who deals with this type of question begins to learn new things with each aspect and facet of his struggle and thus turns the hardship into a staircase on which he ascends and reaches higher heights.
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