Beit Midrash

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7 Lessons
    Neighbors and Partners

    The Shabby Cabby

    Mrs. Gartenhaus borrowed 100 NIS from Mrs. Horowitz but the cab driver says he only received 20 NIS. How much does Mrs. G owe Mrs. H?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | adar II 4 5782
    Neighbors and Partners

    Carpet Diem

    Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Tevet 2 5781
    Neighbors and Partners

    A Lot of Lottery

    At the Shabbat Table

    At the Shabbat Table

    Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Elul 12 5779
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Bar Metzra

    I want to soon sell my semi-detached house, which, as is common, is officially owned by the Jewish Agency and rented by me. Do the halachot of giving precedence to buy to adjacent property owners (bar metzra) apply in my case? If yes: does the owner of the other half of my building take precedence over the neighbor from an adjacent building? Do I have to allow my neighbors bargain with me? If they decline at my asking price and someone else bargains me down, do I have to return to the neighbors with that price?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Cheshvan 23 5779
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Whose Responsibility is it to Make a Proper Fence?

    The house we are renting has a somewhat elevated (up to a meter in some places) mirpeset (balcony), with just a 50 cm (20 inch) fence (ma’akeh) around it. We do not want to invest money in a house we do not own. It is our obligation to fix the ma’akeh or the landlord’s? If it is his obligation, can we use that mirpeset, or is it still forbidden until it is fixed? If it is our obligation, can we simply decide to not use the balcony or would it require blocking off?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Shvat 1 5776
    P'ninat Mishpat

    Rules of Bar Metzra (Neighbor’s Precedence)

    Various Rabbis | 5775
    P'ninat Mishpat

    Can the Old Window Stay?

    Various Rabbis | 5775
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר