Beit Midrash

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4 Lessons
    Unity and Controversy

    The Fourth Camp

    Rabbi Aaron Egeltal | 24 Av 5783
    Unity and Controversy

    The Expanse of Unity

    Sometimes division seems good and constructive. But already at the very start of the creation of the world, the Sages of the Land of Israel impart to us that division is extremely undesirable.

    Rabbi Michael Linetsky | Tammuz 26 5781
    35 min
    Ein Aya

    Pity on Physical Deformities & Sickness Fixes 'Sin'at Chinam'

    Ein Aya, Shabbat 2, 243

    When we see one who has a physical deformity, challenge or sickness, it inevitably awakens pity & kindness, even for those who are total strangers & see from afar. This is the tikun or educational fixing of "Sinat Chinam", needless hate, towards the innocent or even the foreigner. Upon feeling this pity & kindness from others, even the cruel will taste the pleasantness & benefits of this unearned love - "Ahavat Chinam", & society will gradually improve. Rav Kook adds that all people have a Godly spark, a conscience & natural morality, where if they didn't "overcome" it through negative free-will, is just waiting to be realized. & even if one chooses to overcome his goodness, it can be re-awakened through incidents & positive experiences.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Cheshvan 28 5781
    36 min
    Unity and Controversy

    "Why Do Rabbis Argue So Often? The 10 Concise Causes of Machloket"

    Anyone who has opened a page in the Talmud or entered a Beit Midrash, is puzzled with the question of why are there so many differences of opinions among rabbis, and why they're always arguing? If the Torah comes from 1 God, shouldn't there be 1 absolute truth? Why are there so many commentaries on just about every pasuk in Tanach? This concise class summarize this large topic, addressing halachic, logical, technological and technical reasons, analyzing & summarizing in 10 clear categories, what stands behind all those machlokot?

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Sivan 16 5780
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