Beit Midrash

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    The Month of Nissan

    The Month of Turning Sins into Merits

    Rabbi Yosef Nave | 4 Nissan 5784
    The Month of Nissan

    What's So Special About the Month of Nissan?

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | 26 Adar II 5784
    The Month of Nissan

    The Beginning of History

    ...With the arrival of the Exodus, a new era dawns upon humanity. The month of Nissan is when time was essentially born in the world, as the Torah declares: 'This month is for you the head of the months, the first for you of the months of the year" (Sh'mot 12,2). In Nissan, history sets out on its journey. From now on, there is a beginning, there is renewal, and there is the beginning of historic memory...

    Rabbi Haggai Lundin | Nissan 9 5783
    The Month of Nissan

    The Bracha on Blossoming Trees

    May I recite birkas ilanos when I see only one blossoming tree? Must it be a fruit-bearing tree? Must I recite this bracha in the month of Nissan? I live in Australia!

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar II 27 5782
    The Month of Nissan

    What Is Birkat Ha-ilanot, the Blessing on Trees?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Nissan 3 5781
    The Month of Nissan


    I think that we can all agree that it is been a rather difficult winter that we have experienced over the past few months. Here, in Israel, it was a winter of political disarray, Corona issues and enforced lockdowns, and the usual, somewhat depressing, factors of winter – short days and long and often lonely nights. So, the advent of spring is certainly a harbinger of better times and brighter days to come.

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Nissan 1 5781
    The Month of Nissan

    Pesach’s “Open-Door” Policy

    Everyone likes a nice intro! In fact, even our Chagim have an “intro” to set the mood for them before they begin. Pesach, I suggest, has Parshat HaChodesh. Always read before the month of Nisan. In essence, our calendar - & our history - begins again.

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar 27 5781
    The Month of Nissan

    Hospital Treetment

    an amazing story about birchat ilanot (the annual blessing made upon seeing fruit trees blossoming, in the month of Nissan).

    Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Nissan 4 5780
    Parashat Hashavua

    See and Sanctify

    “This month is for you the ‘head’ of months, the first of the months of the year it shall be for you” (Shemot 12:2). The Mechilta (Bo 1) comments on this: Moshe had trouble telling when the new month was considered to have come … until Hashem showed him the moon as it was renewed and said to him: “See the moon when it is like this and sanctify it.” The nations of the world count from Tishrei; Israel counts from Nisan. We have a tradition that Nisan is the month of liberation: “In Nisan they were liberated; in Nisan, they are destined to be liberated” (Rosh Hashana 11a).

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Nisan 12 5778
    The Month of Nissan


    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Nisan 8 5777
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר