Beit Midrash

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4 Lessons
    Parashat Hashavua

    “See” “before you” – Singular and Plural

    Our parasha begins: “See (singular), I am placing before you (plural) today a blessing and a curse” (Devarim 11:26). Why does the pasuk start with a singular verb and switch to a plural pronoun? Apparently, it is to teach us about the double nature of service of Hashem, which applies both to the service of the individual and to the service of the public.

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Av 26 5779
    Parashat Hashavua

    "Today – a Blessing and a Curse"

    “See, I am placing before you today a blessing and a curse” (Devarim 11:26). On the one hand, even today, despite the past, whatever will be, there is a blessing before you. Even if in the past there was heavy fog and yesterday was gloomy, do not give up.

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Av 27 5778
    Parashat Hashavua

    Listening for Listening’s Sake

    “The blessing – that you shall listen to the commandments …” (Devarim 11:27). The main blessing is not the external reward that one receives from Hashem but is the listening itself. Fortunate is the person who knows how to feel this, for then his life is like the Garden of Eden. When we make an appraisal of our lives, we will find that most people are not satisfied. Sometimes people think that it is because they are missing this or that, and they aim to obtain it so that they will finally be satisfied. Wonder of wonders – we always find ourselves lacking something, and we always have to toil to obtain it. It is like the edge of the sky in the eyes of a baby. The closer you get to it, the more it seems to be escaping us.

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Av 22 5777
    Parashat Hashavua

    Looking for the Treasure You Are Standing On

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | 5771
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר