Beit Midrash

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5 Lessons
    Achrei Mot

    How Many Stories Tall Is the Jewish People?

    A well known Rabbinic adage emerges from the succession of the next 3 Torah portions: Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, Emor – “after their death, they say Holy!” That is, as soon as you are gone, they talk about how holy you were! But there is yet another spin we can give to this phrase by slightly moving the comma: After the death of the righteous, speak!

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Iyar 10 5781
    Achrei Mot

    Too Much of a Good Thing

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Iyar 7 5780
    Achrei Mot

    Memory And Marching

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | 5775
    Achrei Mot

    Parsha Summary: Acharei Mot - Kedoshim

    An Overview of the Torah Portion

    An Overview of the Torah Portion

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | 5775
    Achrei Mot

    Parsha Summary: Acharei Mot

    An Overview of the Torah Portion

    An Overview of the Torah Portion

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר