Must I Honor My Parents if They Tell Me Not to Live In Judea/Samaria?
What if one's parents tell him not to live in Judea/Samaria? Is living there considered an extra important mitzvah, and therefore he should ignore his parents, or is it only a "beautification" of the existing mitzvah of living in the Land of Israel?
The leaders in building the country in our times are those who cling more firmly to the Torah. They also cling to the frontlines of settlement in the Land of Israel.
The heter mechira came about in the first shmitta year, 5649 (1888), after thousands of years in exile. Some opposing poskim changed their positions when they saw how urgent the situation was. Anti-Zionism caused more opposition.
Does the biblical prohibition in the title of the article contradict the application of heter mechira (selling land temporarily to a non-Jew during the shmitta year).
Granted, we are not yet in control of the entire Land, and we are partially dependent on the nations of the world, but we are actually fulfilling, once again, the mitzvah of Yishuv HaAretz.
If we had dedicated ourselves to redeveloping the Nation in Eretz Yisrael, then the resettlement of the Land, in accordance with the words of the Prophets, would have filled the hearts of our people with awe, and brought wanderers back to the fold.