Beit Midrash

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7 Lessons
    4 min

    "The Land which ..the eyes of the Lord your God are always upon her"

    In this week's Portion, the Torah describes the reaction of the People of Israel to the scourges which they suffered. It's amazing to see how we reacted during thousands of years, and how we react today…. with all of the strength and power that the Lord gave us.

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Iyar 18 5782
    4 min

    Exploitation through compound interest

    The Torah commands us to not take interest when we give a loan. We should try to revive this Mitzva and bring the Geulah.

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Iyar 12 5782
    4 min
    Achrei Mot

    The Holy of Holies is founded on Sexual Propriety

    How are the High Priest and the Holy of Holies connected to modesty and loyalty to one's spouse?

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Nissan 20 5782
    6 min

    All of the Jewish People, Including the Street Cleaners

    Who does God consider to be holy? What is a sanitation worker's job? What is Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu's response to someone who wants to be like a priest in the Temple?

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Nissan 28 5782
    5 min

    The President of the United States Salutes the Jew

    Why did the President of the United States Salute the Jews? and what does this have to do with Shmini?

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Adar II 24 5782

    The Special Power of Women

    This week's Torah portion of Tazria tells us that when a boy is born, the schedule is as follows: The mother is in a state of Niddah – ritual impurity – for seven days; on the eighth day, the baby is circumcised, and the mother begins a period of 33 days in which she is pure despite any discharge (although she may not touch something holy or enter the sanctuary). If a girl is born, the mother is impure for 14 days and pure for 66. The question begs itself: Why is everything doubled when a girl is born?

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Adar II 29 5782

    Not just the Baba Sali can, you can too

    Moment of Wisdom

    Moment of Wisdom

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Iyar 11 5781
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר