Beit Midrash

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2 Lessons
    Preperation for Shavuot

    Study or Action

    The sages of the Mishnah posed the following question: Which is greater, study or practice? “Rabbi Tarphon answered, saying, 'Practice is greater'; Rabbi Akiva answered, saying: 'Study is greater..' Rabbi Eliyahu Brin provides insight.

    Rabbi Eliyahu Brin | 5764
    Personality Development

    Study or Action

    The sages of the Mishnah posed the following question: Which is greater, study or practice? “Rabbi Tarphon answered, saying, 'Practice is greater'; Rabbi Akiva answered, saying: 'Study is greater..' Rabbi Eliyahu Brin provides insight.

    Rabbi Eliyahu Brin | 5764
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר