"Ask the Rabbi" WhatsApp group

The spreading of the Torah keeps on growing throughout the entire world.

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As you all know, there is an option to ask the rabbis various questions through our website. In addition, The Yeshiva Website hosts an "Ask the Rabbi" WhatsApp group. In the group, the participants are able to attach an image to their question, and could easily comment on the answer for further explanations.
Obviously, the regular "Ask the Rabbi" on the website still works as usual, and you are more than recommended to use it.
The Group's Rules: 
1. The group is meant for Q&As only.
2. All questions must be in English.
3. Only Rabbis we assigned to answer questions are allowed to answer.
4. For long specified answers, please ask via our website at https://www.yeshiva.co/ask/ask/
5. If you did not get an answer within a few hours, you are welcome to ask again.
Please keep the rules, so we will not have to remove people from this group.


In order to join the group click here http://bit.ly/ask_the_rabbi



In addition, the Yeshiva Website also hosts a Hebrew WhatsApp group. If you wish to join the group click here
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר yeshiva.org.il