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אתר ישיבהWhy does G-d test us with such difficult challenges?
During the course of our lives, we all encounter many different situations, some of which are very difficult and create great hardships. We strive to understand what could be their reasons, but generally without success.
  • How Can I Stay Strong When My Faith Is Shaken?
    I have read much about emuna and that "everything is for the best," but it's very hard to see and sense G-d through sorrow and pain! How can I, one little girl, hope to change what He decreed? How can I hope to help my people in its great suffering? I want to strengthen my emuna, not see it fall apart…
  • Can G-d Break Scientific Laws?
    Can G-d break scientific laws? How does Jewish philosophy address the concept of scientific determinism? What is the resolution of the 'debate' between the Rambam and the Maharal regarding whether or not G-d can "change His mind"?
  • Help! Proofs Are Not Enough To Sustain My Faith
    I recently found myself doubting the existence of G-d. I started reading books about faith, proofs, and the like, but nothing really changed. I would really like to be a believing Jew, but I know it has to start with true faith. What should I do?
  • Two Bottles of Coca-Cola cost $4 billion
    Mystical concepts can be hard to imagine, but something happened recently that gives us a parable to grasp the enormous power that lies within us.
  • Forego Humility to Let Our Children Know About Our Good Actions
    Parents, educators and rabbis often grapple with the question: "I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but if I don't tell my children/students about my volunteering, learning, tzedaka and the good deeds that I do, how can I educate them of their importance?!" It's not enough to speak theoretically about ideals, but the best is to show by personal example, and my kids aren't always around to see! Similarly, certain topics are uncomfortable to speak about, but if we shy away from them, our children won't learn of their importance.
  • 9 Tips from Rav Kook on: How To Argue, Debate & "Do Kiruv" Successfully
    Arguing is part of every marriage and relationship, and there must be a constructive way to do so. Similarly, so many Jews are far from Torah, that there must be some guidelines how to "Mekarev" them in the most beneficial way to return to Judaism. Rav Kook, as always, has some innovative tips.
  • How to Stay Young & the Importance of Fragrance
    As always, Rav Kook has an innovative take on the challenge of staying young and energetic, as well as the importance of the sense of smell and fragrance. The class also elaborates on the relationship between our lives and spirituality, and how to harmonize them properly.
  • Doesn't G-d Also Cause the Harm in the First Place?
    Why must we thank G-d for performing miracles when it was He Himself Who also brought the sickness or near-attack upon us in the first place?
  • Is G-d being "kind" if He's working toward a specific end goal?
    Why do we think of the State of Israel as a kindness that G-d performed for us, when actually He did it for Himself, for the purpose of the Redemption process?
  • The "Tzaddik", His Power & Influence
    Much has been written, especially in Hassidut, about the powers and influence of the "Tzaddik". As usual, Rav Kook has an innovative approach harmonizing the rational, the hassidic and the Lithuanian yeshiva approach.
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