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אתר ישיבהWhy does G-d test us with such difficult challenges?
During the course of our lives, we all encounter many different situations, some of which are very difficult and create great hardships. We strive to understand what could be their reasons, but generally without success.
  • Being Social Helps My Spirituality!-Rav Kook on Win-Win Rather Than Competition
    There is a stereotype, that religious people don't mingle and aren't active socially nor participants in communal materialistic pursuits, but rather seclude themselves and just learn Torah. This is a carry-over from other religions that see the physical as contradicting the spiritual, but Judaism, to the contrary, learns from Ya'akov Avinu who, according to the respective opinions, minted a new coin, or built marketplaces and bath-houses. In addition to emotional and intellectual experiences, Rav Kook adds that the Jewish way of getting close to God, is to be similar (!) to Him, in our giving, altruism, activism and dedication to Israel and our communities. The more we are involved and help the broader society, the more Godly we are.
  • Why Does G-d Test Me With Such Difficult Challenges?
    Rav Uriel Tuito of Beit El delivers an important answer to a series of similar but different questions on a critically crucial topic.
  • Complete- Not at the Expense of Anything!
    We are accustomed to the problem that when we dedicate time or effort to one issue or person, it inevitably comes at the expense of others. Rav Kook utilizes the hassidic/kabbalistic way of seeing the world, & the midrash on Ya'akov being complete in health, in money, and in Torah to analyze and suggest how to harmonize life, in a way that can save us great anxiety in our daily and life decisions.
  • Why Donate a Kiddush?! Life of Greatness With Israel or Life of Smallness Alone
    Rav Kook explains why our sages teach us the custom to donate a Kiddush, contribution etc. to the shul, community or to Israel, to commemorate & celebrate an individual simcha, milestone or recuperation. Most people are preoccupied with their small and immature self-centered concerns, but a more worthwhile, mature, satisfying & idealistic option is to live a life of greatness as part of Am Yisrael, the Chosen Nation, adding depth and meaning to an otherwise, small life.
  • How Can I Stay Strong When My Faith Is Shaken?
    I have read much about emuna and that "everything is for the best," but it's very hard to see and sense G-d through sorrow and pain! How can I, one little girl, hope to change what He decreed? How can I hope to help my people in its great suffering? I want to strengthen my emuna, not see it fall apart…
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