parshat Matot

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Yeshiva WebsiteTo Speak or Not to Speak
We learn about the power of holy speech, that words that have the ability to positively affect the world, to fill it with blessing.
  • Mad About You
    This week’s Sedra begins with a discussion of nedarim – vows & oaths. While the world holds that an oral contract is "only as good as the paper it’s written on," Judaism & the Torah place great emphasis on the power of speech.
  • About Vows and Sensitivity
    Take it upon yourself, without a vow, to correct one thing in your life, and these days will work their true action - to add goodness in the world.
  • How Vows Are Like Idol-Worship
    The beginning of this week's Torah portion of Matot focuses on certain important details pertaining to the laws of vows and oaths. A Torah-mandated oath is one by which one forbids himself to engage in one or more otherwise permitted activities. This leads us to ask a very fundamental question...
  • Oaths and Vows
    Can freedom and order coexist in the human sphere? Can there be a society which is both free and just at the same time?
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    Oaths and Vows
    Can freedom and order coexist in the human sphere? Can there be a society which is both free and just at the same time?
  • The Personal Interest in Advancing the Jewish Nation
    Explaining why G-d commanded Moshe to take vengeance against the Midianites and not the Moabites - the act of one woman who chose to advance the Jewish People's mission over her own physical and financial comfort.
  • Conflict Resolution
    One of the hardest tasks of any leader – from Prime Ministers to parents – is conflict resolution. Yet it is also the most vital. Where there is leadership, there is long-term cohesiveness within the group, whatever the short-term problems.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר