Beit Midrash

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2 Lessons
    Subjects of Jewish Thougts

    The Track, the Trees, and the Splendor

    The process of establishing sanctity in Israel was riddled with vicissitudes, from the Shilo sanctuary in Joseph's hereditary portion, to Gibeon and Nov in the portion of Benjamin, and finally to Jerusalem. The same is true of Israel's leadership.

    Rabbi Chanan Porat Z"l | 5753
    Yom Haatzmaut

    The Track, the Trees, and the Splendor

    The process of establishing sanctity in Israel was riddled with vicissitudes, from the Shilo sanctuary in Joseph's hereditary portion, to Gibeon and Nov in the portion of Benjamin, and finally to Jerusalem. The same is true of Israel's leadership.

    Rabbi Chanan Porat Z"l | 5753
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר