Beit Midrash

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3 Lessons
    6 min

    All of the Jewish People, Including the Street Cleaners

    Who does God consider to be holy? What is a sanitation worker's job? What is Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu's response to someone who wants to be like a priest in the Temple?

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Nissan 28 5782

    Not just the Baba Sali can, you can too

    Moment of Wisdom

    Moment of Wisdom

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Iyar 11 5781
    5 min
    Family & the Parsha

    Don't Sin, For Your Child's Sake

    Unfair as it might be towards the child born from an act of adultery, his Mamzer status which will haunt him for life, is the strongest deterrent the torah could set for the parents of this poor child, making them think twice before committing this grave sin.

    Rabbi Baruch Finkelstein | 4 Eiar 5772
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר