Beit Midrash

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5 Lessons
    3 min
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    Sticks And Stones - The Power of an Insult

    "...but words can never harm me." Why do words hurt so much, they're nothing more than puffs or air with a sound wave attached, aren't they?

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Adar I 28 5782
    3 min
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    A Heartfelt Blessing

    Mr. Zilber’s story reminds us that we each have the power to bring blessing into someone else’s life by simply wishing them well from our hearts.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Cheshvan 15 5782
    42 min
    Ein Aya

    Rav Kook on Superstition & Other Spiritual Problems

    Ein Aya, Shabbat 2, 237

    Rav Kook deals here with 3 common spiritual problems: over-indulging in physical pleasure; "under-indulging"- going to the opposite extreme & how fasting and ascetic life is counter-productive for the modern man; & superstition. Rav Kook's unique approach to superstition & the passages in the Talmud which seem as such stress that we must rise above the nature to fear and "quake" regarding topics beyond human control. Rather than imagining superstitious acts, which help us feel in control of the uncontrollable, we should connect with He Who is in total control and His Torah wisdom. HaRav doesn't contradict those rabbinic passages, but says they're secondary & better off not worrying about. Only he who worries about them has what to worry about.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Elul 13 5780
    4 min
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    Face Your Bears

    How did Brigadier General (retired) Effi Eitam react when he was confronted by a grizzly bear, and what can you learn from it?

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Tevet 11 5780
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    When to be Angry?

    Anger According to the Rambam

    The Rambam explains that Moshe Rabenu's sin in the waters of dispute [Mei Meribah] was anger. A person should stay completely away from anger, but there is a place behavior like anger.

    Rabbi Chaim Eisen | 5773
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