Beit Midrash

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3 Lessons
    52 min
    Coping with Difficulties

    Rav Kook on Why Are There So Many Wars in the Process of Geula

    Appreciating the Altruism of the IDF

    The young State of Israel has seen so many wars, and the question is: We would have thought that the redemptive process of Y'mot HaMashiach would include gradually having more and more peace! We shouldn't be surprised because the prophets teach us that Milchamot Gog u'Magog, where the nations try and take away the Land of Israel, is part of the plan, but why? Rav Kook relates to the Godly altruism and unity which inevitably are part of war, not only on the battle field but where all Jews especially help each other, more than usual. The class deals with the innocent and righteous who are killed in war, and the special status of the non-religious soldiers in their especially unique altruism.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Nissan 29 5780
    10 min
    Coping with Difficulties

    The Right Perspective

    Our eyes, our point of view, our leaders in believing. A Holocaust survivor's choice of faith, story of Rabbi Akiva and the foxes, the different meanings of the words for seeing in Hebrew, using Shabbat as the time to gain perspective.

    Rabbi Meir Goldwicht
    Coping with Difficulties

    Gush Katif and Gaza Strip

    Rabbi Sholom Gold | Nisan 5765
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר