Beit Midrash

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2 Lessons
    Hanukkah In Our Time

    Chanukah - An Eternal Light

    Unlike Greek thought, Judaism teaches that all of man's actions possess value and make an impression upon the heavens and earth - momentarily and eternally. The morality of man is not mere courtesy; our commandments are not some external performance.

    Rabbi David Chai Hacohen | Kislev, 5761
    Hanukkah In Our Time

    "Each According to his Camp"

    We cannot be satisfied with strengthening only one portion of the people, no matter how important its task be. We must designate persons for each of our national goals, whether the strengthening of the Torah or the building of the nation.

    Rabbi David Chai Hacohen | Kislev, 5761
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר