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Ruling: It is apparent from the written contract that the mechanism of payment by hour continues past the ten hours. Neither side claims that the other side lied or purposely misled the other. However, even if def thought that the initial stage would not take much longer than ten hours and that they would then negotiate, they are bound to the written words they signed. We apply the rule that regarding monetary agreements, matters one had in his heart are not consequential (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 207:4). The logic to extend this even to a case where the one obligating himself actually misunderstood is either that we assume mechila to go along with that which he unintentionally agreed to or that a person is responsible for what he should have known (see Chok L’Yisrael, Pegamim B’chozeh, p. 118-119).
All agree that def let it be known that they asked at some point to change the pricing system; the sides disagree about whether pl acquiesced orally. However, def agree that there was not a new agreement in place, and so since def continued to employ pl, it is based on the old agreement (see Aruch Hashulchan, CM 333:30). If def were not willing to continue according to the existing agreement until changed, they should have stopped pl’s work. In fact, they did so did only months later.
P'ninat Mishpat (758)
Beit Din Eretz Hemda - Gazit
701 - Do Good Wishes End a Rental?
702 - Limiting Exorbitant Lawyer’s Fees – part I
703 - Limiting Exorbitant Lawyer’s Fees – part II
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