Dear friends,
What a year! It's hard to believe that here we are summing up the year 5781 (2020-21).

So, what did we have over the past year? Let us begin with some statistics. Over the last year, more than five million(!) different surfers accessed the Yeshiva website – including over 365,000 for the English site alone. This is a whopping jump of more than 33% over last year for the English site.  
We had a complicated year dealing with the Corona virus pandemic, including the quarantines and other restrictions it imposed on us. But at the same time, we were able to continue, without a stop, uploading lots of Shiurim (Torah classes), hundreds of Q&A items, and many other thought-provoking articles for your enjoyment and education.

One of the exciting milestones we marked during the year that passed was the launch of our newly-designed website. Keeping the site up-to-date is one of our guiding principles, and we invest our best efforts to meet the highest internet standards in all aspects, especially appearance and content.
All the powerful and fascinating Torah ideas and concepts that are being disseminated, day in and day out, via the Yeshiva website have a tremendous influence. All of this couldn't happen without your help! We thank you for your generosity and support.

As the new year approaches, we ask you again to give us the opportunity to continue spreading Torah online. All donations are recognized for tax purposes in Israel, and Halakhically, one's maaser funds can be donated as well.

Sincerely and with great blessings, team
Day Times

Understanding Repentance

The atonement granted in return for repentance is a favor which extends beyond the line of strict justice; it is the result of God's desire that we return to Him.

Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
The Akeida Conflict