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Yeshiva WebsiteWhat Do We Sacrifice?
We would expect to read “when one of you offers a sacrifice.” Instead, it says “when one offers a sacrifice of you.” The essence of sacrifice is that we offer ourselves.
  • Prepared to DeLIVER
    In many places, the Torah forbids the consumption of blood. In the parsha of Acharei Mot, this prohibition of blood is mentioned. In Kedoshim there are nine references to blood, in the context of different prohibitions. This makes it appropriate to discuss the laws of preparing livers according to halacha.
  • From Priest to People
    Something fundamental happens at the beginning of this Parsha and the story is one of the greatest, if rarely acknowledged, contributions of Judaism to the world.
  • The President of the United States Salutes the Jew
    Why did the President of the United States Salute the Jews? and what does this have to do with Shmini?
  • Learn It, Then Earn It
    ‘Kedoshim Tehyu, Be Holy!” These opening words of our Sedra constitute the quint-essential “mission statement” of the Jewish People: Be holy throughout your life. But what does “holy” mean?
  • Blind Advice
    One of the very well-known commandments that appears in this week's reading of the Torah is the injunction not to place a stumbling block in front of someone who cannot see. Interestingly enough, Rashi in commenting upon and in explaining this commandment, does not treat it literally.
  • Overcoming Mazal with Merit
    Sanctity requires separation, as sanctity does not come to a person naturally. This is the essence of Judaism, whose goal is to, on the one hand, reach great heights, but on the other, does not deny the true situation.
  • The Scapegoat
    The strangest and most dramatic element of the service on Yom Kippur, set out in Acharei Mot, was the ritual of the two goats, one offered as a sacrifice, the other sent away into the desert “to Azazel.”
  • Tzaraat
    Heaven is indeed conscious of our thoughts, actions, speech, and behavior. And that these have consequences both for the good and for the better.
  • Leprosy, Exile, & the Final Redemption
    Connecting the phenomenon of  leprosy of the house, and the steps taken to resolve it, to how the story of the final Redemption will play out.
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