Yom Hakaddish Haklali

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Yom Hakaddish Haklali
Yom Hakaddish Haklali in Yeshiva.co
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    Why Is Remembering the Holocaust Important?
    View the answer of the Rabbi>>
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    Where Was G-d in the Holocaust?
    View the answer by Rabbi Haggai Lundin
  • Where Was G-d in the Holocaust?
    The question in the headline is not one that is simply "asked;" it is rather cried out in pain! Unlike many questions that do not have an intellectual answer – such as, "Where was G-d when a baby died yesterday? Where was He during a variety of catastrophes that have occurred throughout history, some even worse than the Holocaust?" – it is specifically the Shoah that continually ignites anew the "Where was G-d?" debate. Delving deeper, we note that the reason for this actually directs us towards a more profound issue. Our question is actually a cry of despair that the Shoah appears to justify. For the Holocaust did not sprout up in a vacuum
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    Our Own Flesh and Blood
    The deaths of the Holocaust confront us in such monstrous proportions that the mind is overwhelmed. Our own flesh and blood. It is impossible to consider the Holocaust without tears.
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    The Road from Auschwitz
    There is a road that leads to Auschwitz. It is lonely and it is cold. but what is the road out of Auschwitz?
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    From Destruction to Revival
    Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Hakohen Kook, saw the terrible destruction of the Shoah in the context of the great construction of the Redemption.
  • 14. Yom Ha-Sho’a: Holocaust Remembrance Day
    Unlike Yom Ha-zikaron, to which the Chief Rabbinate consented, the Torah sages at the time objected to the establishment of this Remembrance Day (commonly known as Yom Ha-Sho’a) on the 27th of Nisan.
  • From Destruction to Revival
    Rav Tzvi Yehuda Hakohen Kook, saw the terrible destruction of the Shoah in the context of the great construction of the Redemption. While the Exile was being all but destroyed, he Nation of Israel was being built up in its homeland.
  • The Pain and the Pride
    Israel is a roller-coaster, a thrill ride; We are currently in the "sandwich," in the segment between the twin triumphs of our glorious redemption from Egypt, and "Exodus 1948," when we re-established ourselves as a sovereign country.
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    Israel - the Moral Answer to the Holocaust
    The State of Israel, is clearly the national answer to the Holocaust, but Rav Kook sees it also as the moral answer, to bring morality to the masses and the nations.
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