The Life of Tzaddikim

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  • An Unusual Circumcision
    One Shabbat, a mohel came to Rabbi Eliyahu with a question. He was supposed to be performing a brit that day, but just an hour earlier, the father of the baby told him that his son had been born by Caesarian section and so the bris should be on Sunday. What was Rabbi Eliyahu's solution?
  • Spreading Torah behind Bars
    In a world rife with fake news and media so biased that it cannot be trusted or considered remotely objective, people would be forgiven for thinking that yellow journalism is a modern-day plague. But it even affected Rabbi Eliyahu numerous times over the years…
  • Why is the Rav’s Watch on his Right Hand?
    Why did Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L put his watch on his right hand?
  • Are You Eliyahu Hanavi?
    A miraculous story about The Baba Sally and Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L
  • Controlling Flights, Directing Journeys
    "So," the director began, "why does a person who asks a rabbi a halachic question have to act according to what the rabbi tells him? Don't rabbis make mistakes sometimes?"
  • Rachel Imeinu: The Mother Who Never Stops
    In honor of our Matriarch Rachel, about whom we learn in this week's Torah portion of Vayishlah, we present a collection of thoughts on what she stands for, and what all mothers stand for.
  • Weren't Rav Kook's Positions Unique Among Rabbis?
    I learned that if a rabbi takes a position that opposes that of all the other rabbis in his generation, he is not to be listened to. Would this not apply to Rav Kook who was a lone voice in his generation?
  • When Faith is Tested
    The loss of tzaddikim has an effect on the world. "Save, O Lord - for the pious are gone; for the faithful have vanished from among men" (Psalms 12,2). That is to say, when a righteous man passes away, the world suffers a loss of emuna and trust. Emuna diminishes because tzaddikim help ensure that it remains strong, and when they leave, it becomes weaker. Rav Tzvi Yehuda was a great man of emuna, and his loss left a great vacuum of emuna in the world.
  • How the Tzadikim Know What's Hidden and How Their Blessings are Fulfilled
    A story about the miracles of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Zt"l and his modesty.
  • Rav Ronen Neuwirth Zt"L: the Mountain Climber
    I want to share some thoughts with you about Rav Ronen Neuwirth, of blessed memory.
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