parshat Vayeshev

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חופשיHow to Change the World?
View the lesson of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks>>
  • Yosef & His Brothers / The National Religious & the Left
    A comparison of the relationship between the left-wing and the Jewish population of Judea and Samaria (Yesha), and the first ten sons of the Patriarch Yaakov and their young brother Yosef.
  • Family Complications
    The story of Joseph and his brothers reveals both the strengths and weaknesses of mortal beings and a family structure.
  • The Heroism of Tamar
    It is thus no coincidence that Tamar, a heroic non-Jewish woman, became the ancestor of David, Israel’s greatest King. There are striking similarities between Tamar and the other heroic woman in David’s ancestry, the Moabite woman we know as Ruth.
  • The Runaway Train
    Sometimes people can be as destructive as a runaway train. How do you stop them? An insight based on Parshat Vayeshev
  • Chanuka Lite - Take a Bite!
    What did the Maccabim do when they found that 1 jar of unblemished oil? Did they put all the oil in the Menora at one time, so at least 1 day would be a "pure" & complete Mitzva? Or did they divide up the jar & place 1/8 of the oil in the Menora each night, so as to at least do some of the Mitzva?
  • May a Tzaddik Request Tranquility?
    Could it be wrong for a tzaddik to ask for tranquility and must he suffice only with reward in the World to Come?
  • שיג ושיח
    The Power of Praise
    A Shiur by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ZT"L for the weekly Torah reading of Vayeshev.
  • Stress is Good For You!
    Researchers believe that some stress can help to fortify the immune system. For instance, stress can improve how your heart works and protect your body from infection. But on a deeper level, rising to challenges and overcoming them is the essence of life.
  • shutterstock_179395994.jpg
    Stress is Good For You!
    A 3 minutes Video about Parashat Vayeshev explaining why stress is good.
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