parshat Pinchas

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Yeshiva WebsiteElijah and the Still, Small Voice
To preserve tradition and at the same time defend those others condemn is the difficult, necessary task of religious leadership in an unreligious age.
  • הרב זלמן - פרשה אנגלית.jpg
    The Parameters of Pinchas' Zealotry
    Our portion opens with the Torah's praise for the "zealotry" - of Pinchas. What's the meaning of this zealotry, what is its source, and why is Pinchas deserving of such an exceptional Divine reward?
  • Name That Hero
    The name of this week’s protagonist, Pinchas, is quite fascinating, for it contains within it another well-known name: Noach. What is the connection between the two?
  • Lessons of a Leader
    The Parsha of Pinchas contains a masterclass on leadership, as Moses confronts his own mortality and asks God to appoint a successor. In the case of Moses, the Sages sensed a certain sadness at his realisation that he would not be succeeded by either of his sons.
  • Tirtza – The Story of a Forgotten Capital City
    The daughters of Tzlofchad, discussed in the parasha, are symbols of righteous women, in whose merit Bnei Yisrael left Egypt and arrived in Eretz Yisrael. One of the five daughters was Tirtza. Tirtza was also the name of the capital city of the northern Kingdom of Israel.
  • Will Women Bring Redemption?
    A look in this week's Torah reading Pinchas to understand why Jewish women usually get it right with regards to bringing Redemption...and why Jewish men so often don't.
  • שיג ושיח
    Moral v. Political Decisions
    A Shiur by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks for the weekly Torah reading of "Pinchas".
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר