parshat Noach
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Noach is one of the most fascinating personalities in the Torah. A small name but a huge story.
The Ancestors and Enemies of Avraham
It is clear from the p’sukim of Parashat Bereishit that Adam, Chava, Kayin, and Hevel all believed in Hashem and in fact had the privilege to engage in discussion with Him, each in his or her own way. Even when they strayed from the proper path, they merited hearing words of rebuke from Hashem, which, along with the harsh words, showed great closeness. -
Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra
Among the Rishonim in this week’s parsha, we find a dispute as to when the rainbow was created. The pesukim imply that the rainbow was created after the mabul as a covenant, and, indeed, the Ibn Ezra explains the verse this way, disputing an earlier interpretation of the posuk from Rav Saadyah Gaon. However, the Ramban contends that the rainbow was created during the six days of Creation. This provides us with an opportunity to discuss a great rishon, about whom most people know very little. -
Tzaddik and Tamim
We have explained in the past that Shaul was chosen as king because his family “lit up dark roads.” We will now try to determine from whom they learned this trait. Noach is categorized in the parasha’s opening as a man who is tzaddik (righteous) tamim (perhaps most safely translated as complete). Some say that these two adjectives relate to different sides of his persona. Ibn Ezra and Seforno say he was a tzaddik in his actions and tamim in his thought. Avot D’Rabbi Natan says that tamim related to his body, as he was born circumcised, so he was complete without the need to be fixed. The Ramban says that tamim means that he was complete in his righteousness.
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