parshat Miketz
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A Shiur by Rabbi Berel Wein for the weakly Torah reading of "Miketz".
A leader must be a wise man who anticipates the future
Learning from Yosef how a leader should behave and should look ahead. -
Yosef & Yehuda, Nationalism & Universalism?
In this week's Torah portion of Miketz, we encounter Yaakov's sons Yosef and Yehuda, two leaders in Israel who appear to represent two different approaches...What is very interesting is that we find in the writings of the saintly Rav Kook that the roles of Yosef and Yehuda seem to actually be reversed. Rav Kook deals with the concept of two Messiahs, one to be followed by the other; Messiah ben Yosef and Messiah ben David (descended from Yehuda)... -
Appearance and Reality
The encounter between Joseph and his brothers is the fifth in a series of stories in which clothes play a key role. What all five cases have in common is that they facilitate deception. In each case, they bring about a situation in which things are not as they seem.
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