parshat Korach

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איןKorach, Then and Now
What type of people did Korach gather around him for his rebellion against Moshe?
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    When Truth Is Sacrificed to Power
    What was wrong with the actions of Korach and his fellow rebels? They had a point. Why was there a hierarchy, with Moses as leader and Aaron as High Priest?
  • How to Handle Disagreements
    Machloket (disagreement) is an inseparable part of the Jewish experience. Clarifying a matter and listening to the other side – yes! Personal insults and lack of respect toward the person with whom we disagree – no and, again, no!
  • crack-995370_1920.jpg
    Blurring Differences
    What do Korach, Kayin and the Christians have to do with each other? And where is Korach manifested in our days?
  • Korach – He has a point
    One can define Korach's camp as an ideological group, except that it was tainted by the faults that bring down many failed ideologies.
  • The Temple - a Place of Life
    The dry branch left in the Mishkan starts to blossom and grows almonds. This Holy place is the source of life and all who come there get a new life!
  • Preserving the Old, Inspiring the New
    Why did Moshe respond so differently with Korah and his gang than with Eldad and Medad? Regarding the latter, he prayed that everyone should be a prophet - yet with Korah, he was greatly angered at the claim that "everyone is equally holy." Why?
  • Blurring Differences
    discussing the revival of Korah's social ideology in the modern era, and its the rejection of the basic concept in Jewish society that different people have different functions and different ways of serving HaShem.
  • Servant Leadership
    What exactly was wrong in what Korach and his motley band of fellow agitators said? was what they said true or false?
  • Winners & Choosers
    In Parshat Shlach, the majority of the greatest spiritual leaders in the nation conclude that the time was not yet right to enter Eretz Yisrael. In Korach also goes against the Establishment. So how do we decide when to go against the grain, & when to respect the existing status quo?
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