parshat Beshalach

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Beyond the 4 AmotThe Holiest Most Heavenly Food on Earth
A short video connecting the Parasha and the land of Israel.
  • More on the Price of Disunity
    Last week, we introduced the idea that the lack of full cooperation between Yosef and Yehuda prevented the early Exodus from Egypt. We continue with this basic theme this week. Chazal (see Sota 36b) tell us that at the critical moment, right before the splitting of the Sea, the various tribes were in competitive mode. Rabbi Meir relates the following, based on his understanding of Tehillim 68:28. When Bnei Yisrael stood by the sea, each tribe claimed that they were going to jump in first. The Tribe of Binyamin went in first, and the Tribe of Yehuda stoned them. That is why Binyamin merited hosting the Divine Presence in the Beit Hamikdash. Rabbi Yehuda had a different version. Each tribe was trying to avoid going in. Since Nachshon, head of the Tribe of Yehuda, was the first, they merited having dominion in Israel, as it says: “Yehuda was for His holiness, Israel was for His kingdom” (Tehillim 114:2). Why did Yehuda have this kingdom? Because the “sea saw and fled” (ibid. 3).
  • Song of the Deciders of World History
    When Hashem saved the Israelites and killed the Egyptians with great miracles at Yam Suf, the angels wanted to sing His praises. Hashem said to them: “The works of My Hand are drowning in the sea, and you are saying praises before Me?!” (Sanhedrin 39b). This is what Hashem said to the angels, whereas Bnei Yisrael were allowed and praised for singing to Hashem. What is the difference between them?
  • Do People Live in the Zoo?
    A special shiur for shabat Beshalach about Eruv laws
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