Parshat Shavua
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A: Yechezkel chap. 28,25 -29,21;
AY: Yechezkel chap. 28,24 -29,21;
AS: Yechezkel chap. 28,25 -29,21;
Trusting in Hashem
A Critical Midrash, Trust in God. A Long-Range Perspective, Silver Linings, The True Test. -
What Comes Before the Land?
A basic precondition for understanding both the situation in which the Israelites found themselves on the eve of the Exodus, and our situation today, is to remember the following words of the Sages: "Like the first redeemer (Moshe), so will be the last redeemer (Mashiach)" (Midrash Kohelet Rabba 1,28). That is, there are basic similarities between our situation in Egypt and ours today, during the final Geula. -
Public Pressure
It is difficult to understand the attitude in Moshe's statement to Heaven that it had not yet freed the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage. Moshe certainly realized that Heaven was aware of the promises. -
If God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, then it was God who made Pharaoh refuse to let the Israelites go, not Pharaoh himself. How can this be just?
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