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shutterstockMan is Not Just a Number
Sefer Bamidbar is also known as "Book of Numbers". An explanation about the census, the relationship between the census and the camp, and what can we learn from it.
  • Something to Stand Up For
    It is not a coincidence that Jerusalem Day falls on the eve of the Torah reading of Bemidbar.
  • Like The Stars
    Why are the Jewish People compared to the stars?
  • Law as Love
    Joy in the celebration G-d's love led King David to “leap and dance” when the Ark was brought into Jerusalem. When love defeats dignity, faith is alive and well.
  • Book of People
    why does the Torah spend so many verses and details in enumerating the population of the Jewish people at that time? And why does the Torah mention the names of the leaders?
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    Law as Love
    Joy in the celebration G-d's love led King David to “leap and dance” when the Ark was brought into Jerusalem. When love defeats dignity, faith is alive and well.
  • Count on the Versatility of “Pakod”
    Let us pray for a full redemption to get to the point that Hoshea speaks of in this week’s haftara: Bnei Yisrael should be “as many as the granules of sand by the sea, which cannot be counted”.
  • Korach – He has a point
    One can define Korach's camp as an ideological group, except that it was tainted by the faults that bring down many failed ideologies.
  • Who is your tour guide?
    Who is your tour guide? That makes all the how you deal with the Giant problem.
  • The Personal Interest in Advancing the Jewish Nation
    Explaining why G-d commanded Moshe to take vengeance against the Midianites and not the Moabites - the act of one woman who chose to advance the Jewish People's mission over her own physical and financial comfort.
  • Conflict Resolution
    One of the hardest tasks of any leader – from Prime Ministers to parents – is conflict resolution. Yet it is also the most vital. Where there is leadership, there is long-term cohesiveness within the group, whatever the short-term problems.
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