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ino credtHow to choose a Hebrew last name for convert?
View the answer of the Rabbi>>
  • What Is the Worth of Shiny Gold?
    If the Tabernacle had been built and the Shechina would not have dwelled in it, it would have been like a body without a soul. All its beauty and glory would be pointless; all the gold, silver, and precious stones adorning it would have been mere external trappings - shiny, but without their true meaning and essence...What worth is there to wealth and gold and financial stability and a large house, if the Divine Presence does not dwell within it...
  • Israel's Special Need For Unity
    ...This week's Torah portion of Vayakhel describes how the various artisans executed the different activities necessary for the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the special furniture it held. These include, of course, the Menorah, Holy Ark, table, and altars. Something interesting stands out in this account, however. When the Holy Ark was fashioned, the Torah emphasizes that it was Betzalel ben Uri ben Hur who did it - but regarding the other items, the Torah simply says, "He made," over and over. Why does the Torah not seem to "care" who exactly made the other vessels?
  • How Does a Heter Iska Work?
    Andy Gross, a businessman who is proud that he is now observing mitzvos, is on time for his appointment. After a brief greeting, I ask him what brings him to my office on this beautiful morning. “I recently learned that even though the Torah prohibits paying or receiving interest, there is something called a heter iska that legalizes it. How can we legitimize something that the Torah expressly prohibits?” Indeed, Andy’s question is both insightful and important, and deserves a thorough explanation. Why don’t you join us by reading the attached article?
  • The Great Cottage Cheese Controversy
    This week’s parsha includes one of the places where the Torah teaches about mixing milk and meat together
  • The Secret to Eternal Life
    Ever since the dawn of time, people have pursued the goal of eternal life. The ancient Egyptians, for example, mummified their bodies, in the belief that this would grant them continuity from one world to another. Even today, many contribute to various Torah or kindness organizations in order to memorialize their loved ones... On a simple level, the aspiration for eternity stems from a positive place in one's soul: the striving to be like our eternal Creator. If so, when we consider the other levels of G-d's creation, we will realize that we are not very close to reaching this goal...
  • The Holy Ark: Religious Symbol or National Symbol?
    ...The first utensil that Moshe Rabbeinu was commanded to prepare for the Mishkan was the Holy Ark (Aron), in which the Two Tablets were to be placed. That it was first indicates its importance and central role in the dwelling of the Divine Presence in the Mishkan. And in fact, we find that the very presence of the Aron in the Tabernacle and, later, in the Holy Temple, is what bestowed upon them their special status...
  • The Laws of G-d Are Truth!
    One of the Torah's guidelines for our everyday lives found in this weekly portion is a special instruction as to how to lead the public when there are differences of opinion: "Do not follow a majority for evil… [but otherwise,] follow the majority" (Sh'mot 323,2)... With this, our holy Torah teaches us an important chapter in democracy...
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