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ino credtHow to choose a Hebrew last name for convert?
View the answer of the Rabbi>>
  • How Wooden Beams Prove Perfect Faith
    Why does the Torah refer to "the boards," as if we know which boards it is talking about? No boards have yet been mentioned! Furthermore, regarding none of the other utensils in the Mishkan is "the" mentioned; instead it says, "You shall make a menorah… a covering for the tent," etc. Why then are the boards singled out?
  • What Isaac Newton discovered through the dimensions of the Tabernacle
    What is the second and third Halacah in the Shulchan Aruch? And why is the Mishkan relevant to each and every one of us?
  • The Labour of Gratitude
    God creates the cure before the disease. This is the key to understanding Terumah and the Mitzvah of the MIshkan.
  • Be A Taker
    The taker who asks for the money is really the one that was doing the ultimate favor for the giver who is writing the check.
  • More on Helping the Weak in Beit Din?
    The implication is that the judge should say things that will help specifically the poor. How can one do that while still being faithful to “Do not give preferential treatment to the poor”?
  • Illuminating the way for all mankind
    The Torah teaches us how to behave with our slaves and by that guides us in ways that the world learns only years later.
  • Healing the Heart of Darkness
    What happens when an anti-semite discovers he's A Jew, and What does this have to do with our Parshah?
  • Living by Torah
    The Torah presents us with great moral principles and a profoundly unique value system. These are meant to propel us through life and make us feel that we are members of a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
  • Weapons Of Mass Distraction
    If the original sound of the giving of the Torah never fades, how come we don't hear it anymore?
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר