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Shavuot in
  • Shavuot - The Day Hashem Gave Us ...Wheat?
    We are supposed to learn Torah in such a manner that it is a continuation of that sacred encounter. Apparently, if too much explicit stress would be put on the one event, we might not see our involvement in the study as a continuation of the process that only began on Har Sinai.
  • Study or Action
    The sages of the Mishnah posed the following question: Which is greater, study or practice? “Rabbi Tarphon answered, saying, 'Practice is greater'; Rabbi Akiva answered, saying: 'Study is greater..' Rabbi Eliyahu Brin provides insight.
  • The Revelation at Sinai Through Hassidic Eyes
    Before the Giving of the Torah man exerted himself in an attempt to come close to God, yet, despite all of his efforts, he remained far removed; from the Giving of the Torah onward, the road is open to reaching God.
  • Firstfruits of the Wheat Harvest
    National liberation, in its initial stages, awakens great excitement. After this, though, one begins to sense that freedom is not the solution to all problems. Only with the receiving of the Torah do the firstfruit Festivals draw to a close.
  • To Perpetuate the Name of the Dead
    Naomi was certain that Boaz would not allow himself to participate in an act of prostitution. She knew that once he understood their motives and grasped his own responsibility as a redeemer, he would surely take Ruth for his wife.
  • “...First Bless Over The Torah”
    Torah calls for preparation. The Patriarchs preceded the giving of the Torah, and, as the foundation of the Jewish people, fulfilled the entire Torah even before it was given. This measure was taken as a kind of preparation for receiving the Torah.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר