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Purim in Yeshiva.co
Times for Fast of Esther (brought forward)
Start of the fast End of the fast
Purim is in Sunday, the 14 Adar 24/03/2024 Shoshan Purim is in Monday, the 15 Adar 25/03/2024

  • Happiness and Hiddenness
    It’s common knowledge that Adar is the happiest of all months. But why should it be? True, it contains Purim in it, & Purim is indeed filled with fun & food, single malt & masquerades. But does that make it the happiest?
  • Listening to the Megilla with Limited Concentration
    It troubles me that I often daydream and/or doze off for a few words during Megilla reading. Do I fulfill the mitzva under those circumstances?
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    Immoral Mitzvot
    How to understand murdering Amalek & other Mitzvot which seem "immoral"?
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    Will You Throw Away Your Mask This Purim?
    Sometimes rather than endangering lives, throwing away your mask can save lives. A message for Purim.
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    Glorified Murder
    Purim is A festival where we celebrate the murdering of Amalek. Is it a normal Jewish deed to glorify murderers?
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    Paradoxical Adar
    We find in this month both life and death, beginning and end. Birth and life on the one hand, loss and destruction on the other.
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    Joy - A Foundation of Faith
    Additional joy serves as an expression of appreciation toward the Almighty for the miracles He performed on our behalf.
  • The Search for Simcha
    But can we be commanded to be happy? Is happiness a state of mind that is divinely imposed upon us - with or without our consent - or is there some secret to attaining this gift of joy?
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    Purim Katan
    The knowledge that there exists a small and minor Purim is itself a heartening message. Good tidings do not always burst upon the scene suddenly.
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