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gkkjThe Faith of God
Have faith in God’s faith in us and you will find the path from darkness to light.
  • When Can We Lie?
    Humans are destined to conflict so long as contending groups each claim to have a monopoly of the truth. The only way they will learn to live at peace is by realising that they will never in this life achieve truth as it is in Heaven.
  • Life’s Loose Ends
    With typical Torah irony, the parsha of Vayechi – “and he will live” – is centered around death. Both Yakov & Yosef, two of the greatest personalities in all of Jewish history, will pass away in this final sedra of Sefer Bereisheit.
  • Future sight
    Judaism and the Jewish people always look toward the future even when their current circumstances are bitter and sad. Jacob himself appraised it when he said he would receive his reward tomorrow.
  • Boycott Israel?
    The BDS lobby is a powerful force in world politics. Where does its power come from?
  • More on Sales and Family Repair
    The reunion that we saw last week returns in our parasha for a “second edition.” The crying is renewed, and the question of how to repair the torn fabric of Yaakov's family is back on the table in full force after Yaakov’s death.
  • Jacob sent Judah before him... to guide him: like Jacob, like the Ben Ish Chai
    What did our father Jacob ask of Joseph just before he went down to Egypt? And how are these things related to good leadership?
  • The Birth of Forgiveness
    Joseph forgave. That was a first in history. Yet the Torah hints that the brothers did not fully appreciate the significance of his words. After all, he did not explicitly use the word ‘forgive’. He told them not to be distressed
  • Did He Know?
    How much did our father Jacob really know about the events previously described in the Torah readings? There are various streams of thought regarding this matter.
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