parshat Massei

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Yeshiva WebsiteTo Speak or Not to Speak
We learn about the power of holy speech, that words that have the ability to positively affect the world, to fill it with blessing.
  • Retribution and Revenge
    Near the end of Bamidbar, we encounter the law of the cities of refuge: three cities to the east of the Jordan and, later, three more within the land of Israel itself. There, people who had committed homicide could flee and find protection until their case was heard by a court of law.
  • Shadow and Fear
    The story in which the Torah saw fit to end the Book of Numbers is the story of the daughters of Tzelofhad. It is precisely close to the Book of Deuteronomy, before entering the Land of Israelץ
  • Retribution and Revenge
    Even justified acts of bloodshed, as in the case of war, still communicate impurity. That is what lies behind the idea of revenge.
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    Retribution and Revenge
    Even justified acts of bloodshed, as in the case of war, still communicate impurity. That is what lies behind the idea of revenge.
  • Natural Life in the Land of Israel & the Tragedy of Galut
    ...Outside the Land of Israel, our engagement with the physical world comes at the expense of Torah and sanctity. We in fact see that the Torah studied in Exile shuns in an extreme manner many areas of natural life. Only when the Nation of Israel is in the Land of Israel is "normal," natural life enabled – for, in fact, even that which is material and physical is holy...
  • The Heat of July and August
    It's hot outside. We all feel it in the scorching weather. The spiritual principle that is important to remember during such periods appears in the Torah portion of Masei
  • Journeys
    The Sedra of Matot maps the route of Am Yisrael from Egypt to the threshold of Israel. There are 42 encampments along the way. I suggest that, like every other word in the Torah, they have cosmic, eternal significance.
  • Coincidence or Intentional
    The combination of these two sections of the Torah constitutes the question, as to whether there is a connection between these two Parshiot, or is it just a matter of calendar convenience that unites them is one Torah reading on this coming Sabbath.
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