parshat Lech Lecha

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shutterstock"Whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?"
Avraham feared that the nation of Israel would sin and thereby lose the Land of Israel, so he asked, "Whereby shall I know?" How can I know that the Nation of Israel will merit having the land of Israel?
  • The Nature of the Land of Israel
    "The Sfat Emet (the saintly Gerrer Rebbe) explains that G-d did not immediately reveal to Avraham the location of Eretz Yisrael because 'that itself is an aspect of Eretz Yisrael.' That is, in order to reach the Land in which we can "see G-d's face" (see Ex. 34,23) and cleave to Him – one has to walk, one has to go. One must 'go out of himself,' out of his earthiness; he must leave his father's home and all of his material possessions, and nullify himself totally before G-d. The idea is to leave oneself, lekh lekha, and instead, 'go to the land that I will show you.' We are always in search of some kind of permanence in this world – but the truth is that we are temporary..."
  • How to Find Eretz Yisrael?
    The Torah does not tell us how Avraham (then, Avram) knew where to go: north, south, east, or west?
  • The Aliya Test
    Looking at a Rashi commentary on this week's Torah reading Lekh Lekha to reveal greater truth behind every single Aliyah story.
  • A Conversation with Hasham
    We recognize that in many ways our father Abraham is an innovator. we find that our father Abraham is also the first human being recorded as having a normal conversation with his Creator.
  • How perfect were the matriarchs and patriarchs?
    In an extraordinary series of observations on this week’s parsha, Ramban delivers harsh criticisms of Abraham and Sarah. What is deeply interesting about Ramban’s approach is his willingness to point out flaws in their behaviour.
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    How perfect were the matriarchs and patriarchs?
    In an extraordinary series of observations Ramban delivers harsh criticisms of Abraham and Sarah. What is deeply interesting about Ramban’s approach is his willingness to point out flaws in their behaviour.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר