parshat Beha'alotcha

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Yeshiva WebsiteDivine Light
God, the Creator of the Universe, is the Source of Light. Why would He need the light of the Menorah?
  • Each Man under his Grapevine and Fig Tree – When?
    The parasha and the haftara share the theme of a gold menora. In the parasha, it is an actual menora, of the Mishkan/Beit Hamikdash (Bamidbar 8:2-4). In the haftara, it is a prophetic vision that represents the emerging leadership in the community that returned to Zion after the destruction of the first Temple, who were involved in the rebuilding of the Temple (Zecharia 4:2-3). Even though this haftara is also read on the Shabbat of Chanuka, we have proved elsewhere that there is no connection between that menora and the events of Chanuka.
  • הרב זלמן - פרשה אנגלית.jpg
    Divine Light
    Weekly Shiur of Rav Zalman Melamed for the weekly portion "Beha'alotcha"
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    Camp and Congregation
    Weekly Shiur of Rav Jonathan Sacks for the weekly portion "Beha’alotecha"
  • About the Kushite Woman
    The Torah states that Aharon and Miriam’s negative speech about Moshe had to with the isha kushit (simple translation being, the Kushite woman) that he took (Bamidbar 12:1-3). Several years ago, we discussed the opinions in Chazal that there was nothing derogatory about her being a Kushite, and actually to the contrary. However, there are some Rishonim who see in this matter a point of contention against Moshe and his wife, who left her father’s home to follow Moshe into the desert.
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