parshat Beha'alotcha

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Yeshiva WebsiteDivine Light
God, the Creator of the Universe, is the Source of Light. Why would He need the light of the Menorah?
  • Not Tests - Challenges!
    Construction of the Menorah in the Tabernacle was a very difficult task, according to the Medrash. What exactly was so hard about forming it?
  • Catching Fire
    the Priest who lit the candelabra was to keep the fire close to the wick, until the wick itself caught fire and rose by itself. This is a lesson not only regarding the lighting of the great candelabra in the Temple but is also a metaphor for many life situations.
  • It’s Good to Be Second or Small
    Our parasha deals with the lot of those who lost the opportunity to offer the Korban Pesach on time. The Torah describes these people as having been impure due to “nefesh adam”. Hashem’s solution was that these people should offer the Korban Pesach a month later.
  • Reciting Korbanos Daily
    Between the recital of morning berachos and Boruch She’amar, which begins pesukei dezimra, is a section of the davening colloquially referred to as “korbanos,” since it includes many references to the various offerings brought in the Beis Hamikdash. The goal of this article is to provide an overview and some details about this part of the davening.
  • riots.jpg
    How To Survive the Riots
    In this week's Torah reading (in Israel) of Baha'alotcha Hashem pushes the Jewish people towards the land of Israel. Why was the journey so arduous?
  • How To Survive the Riots
    In this week's Torah reading of Baha'alotcha Hashem pushes the Jewish people towards the land of Israel. During the journey, the Jewish nation complained about the length and the pace of the trip. Why was the journey so arduous?
  • שיג ושיח
    Loneliness and Faith
    A shiur by Rabbi Jonatha Sacks for the weekly Torah reading (in Israel) of "Beha'alotcha".
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר