parshat Beha'alotcha

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Yeshiva WebsiteDivine Light
God, the Creator of the Universe, is the Source of Light. Why would He need the light of the Menorah?
  • Psst! Wanna Fake Rolex?
    Is it true that "You can't always get what you want?"
  • Choosing Seventy Leaders
    Hashem told Moshe that he should gather 70 men whom he knew to be among the leaders of the people.
  • happy-birthday-264605_1920.jpg
    Until One Hundred and Twenty
    What is the source of the blessing "Until 120"? Is this really the maximum one can live?
  • Torah Source for Yom Ha'Atzma'ut
    A historical application of a word found in this week's Parshat Beha'alotkha in Jewish communities throughout the world, showing how it clearly also applies to celebrating Yom Ha'Atzma'ut in our time.
  • Wear the right glasses
    when Bnei Yisrael are in the desert they yearned for what they ate in Egypt. how come?
  • Bitterness or Bracha: Choose!
    After the nation has reached a true “high” – we were freed from Egypt, we received the Torah, we built & then dedicated the magnificent Mishkan – it all seems to break down.
  • Power or Influence?
    It is essential to grasp the difference between two concepts often confused, namely power and influence. We tend to think of them as similar if not identical. People of power have influence.
  • The Hidden Light
    At the beginning of time there shone a light called the "Ohr Haganuz." With this light you could see from one end of the world to the other - meaning you could see the connection between cause and effect. God hid that light away after 36 hours but there are still times when you can still catch its glow.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר