Beit Midrash

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29 Lessons
    Ki Tavo

    Charles III -The Last Circumcised King?

    'Hitler said, "Conscience is a Jewish invention. Like circumcision it mutilates man..." What is the connection between conscience and circumcision?'

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Elul 18 5782
    Ki Tetze

    Fulfillment of the prophecies of consolation in Safed

    What can we conclude from the flight of the Arabs from Safed in 1948?

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Elul 13 5782
    2 min
    Ki Tetze

    It's Not What You Say...

    Apparently, the Chafetz Chaim zt'l, was not a brilliant orator, however, he was extremely compelling to listen to. What gave him this power?"

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Elul 10 5782
    3 min

    As Lovely As A Tree

    The Torah prohibits planting trees in the Beit HaMikdash, the Holy Temple. Why?

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Elul 5 5782
    2 min
    Parashat Hashavua

    The Apprentice

    In the ancient world, when grieving for a dead person, idol worshippers would make a bald spot in their hair between the eyes. The Torah explicity forbids this practice in Parshat Re'eh. Why?

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | 27 Av 5782
    3 min
    V'zot Habracha

    How To Be Blessed With Abundance

    Israel National Torah

    An explanation of the special Brakha given to the descendants of Joseph in their tribal territory in the Land of Israel - and how we too can receive that blessing even today.

    Baruch Gordon | Tishrei 21 5781
    4 min

    Jump at the Israel Opportunity

    Israel National Torah

    An answer to the question, "If Moshe didn't merit to enter the Land of Israel, why should we?"

    Baruch Gordon | 7 Tishrei 5781
    3 min

    Playing an Active Role in History

    Israel National Torah

    A look into this week's Torah reading Nitzavim to understand the principle of mutual responsibility and what it's laws say about the importance of the Land of Israel to the existence of the Jewish nation.

    Baruch Gordon | Elul 21 5780
    3 min
    Ki Tavo

    Don’t Get Too Comfy in Diaspora

    Israel National Torah

    A look at a commentary on a very unique commandment found in this week's Torah reading Ki Tavo.

    Baruch Gordon | Elul 15 5780
    4 min
    Ki Tetze

    Making a Living in Israel

    Israel National Torah

    Israel National Torah

    Baruch Gordon | Elul 7 5780
    3 min

    The Torah's Real Estate Advice

    Israel National Torah

    Discussing Jewish property rights and real estate, comparing the laws as they apply in the Diaspora and in the Land of Israel.

    Baruch Gordon | Elul 1 5780
    3 min

    Does Corruption Taint Israel’s Holiness?

    Israel National Torah

    An explanation of why the "logical" conclusion that one should avoid living in the Land of Israel when the state of religious observance there is not so logical after all.

    Baruch Gordon | Av 24 5780
    4 min

    Is the Diaspora Just For Practice?

    Israel National Torah

    A look at commentaries on the second paragraph of the Shema found in this week's Torah reading Ekev to discover that Mitzvot (commandments) mean more when they are performed in the Land of Israel.

    Baruch Gordon | Av 16 5780
    3 min

    The Spiritual Effects of Diaspora

    Israel National Torah

    A look at the claim in this week's Torah reading VaEtchanan that Jews who live outside the Land of Israel will serve idols and reconciles it with commentators who seemingly disagree.

    Baruch Gordon | Av 10 5780
    3 min

    Israel Is the Jewish Achilles' Heel

    Israel National Torah

    Exploring the Kuzari's explanation of the centuries-old question, brought to light in this week's Torah reading Devarim: If Israel is as central to the Jews' essence and mission as we say it is, why don't all Jews live there?

    Baruch Gordon | Av 3 5780
    4 min
    V'zot Habracha

    The Kabbalistic Secret of Visiting Israel

    Beyond the 4 Amot

    Why did Moshe, at the last minutes of his life, view the land of Israel, and what can we learn from it?

    Baruch Gordon | Tishrei 21 5780
    4 min
    Ki Tavo

    Difference Between Judaism and Christianity

    Beyond the 4 Amot

    In Israel, the fruit and the land have a spiritual value.

    Baruch Gordon | Elul 19 5779
    2 min

    Precisely how the Mashiach will come?

    beyond the 4 Amot

    The Rambam writes down how to determine who is Mashiach, and how will he come.

    Baruch Gordon | Elul 6 5779
    4 min
    Family & the Parsha

    Purpose Behind Family

    Rabbi Baruch Finkelstein | 20 Tishrei 5773
    2 min
    Family & the Parsha

    The Children See

    Rabbi Baruch Finkelstein | 11 Tishrei 5773
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר