Beit Midrash

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24 Lessons
    Jerusalem Day

    What is Yom Yerushalayim? (This coming Thursday night & Friday)

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Iyar 20 5783
    The Essence of the Day

    “Our eyes and hearts are always directed towards Jerusalem.”

    Not only is the amidah directed toward Jerusalem, but the whole prayer service is too, even when we are not facing Jerusalem.

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Iyar 28 5782

    Something to Stand Up For

    It is not a coincidence that Jerusalem Day falls on the eve of the Torah reading of Bemidbar.

    Rabbi Haggai Lundin
    Additional Lessons

    Yom Yerushalayim: First Kingdom, Then Temple

    Let us discuss, once again, the connection between the Torah aspects of Jewish life, and the national aspects thereof – expressed only in an independent Jewish state. This topic can be intriguingly analyzed in terms of the actions of the founders of the first Jewish commonwealth, Kings David and Shlomo, father and son.

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Iyar 26 5782
    Jerusalem Day

    Dreams Of The Kotel

    I don’t know what the medical name for it IS, but as I stood at the Kotel, my heart began to beat rapidly & my mind went blank.

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Iyar 24 5782
    Parashat Hashavua

    The Unification of Yerushalayim and the Desert

    For over a half-century, around the time of Yom Yerushalayim and soon before Shavuot, we get to read Parashat Bamidbar. Let us take a look at the connection between Yerushalayim and the desert.

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Iyar 28 5781
    45 min
    The Obligation of Thanking Hashem

    Remembering the 6 Day War- Yom Yerushalayim & Declaring New Holidays

    It sounds complicated to declare new holidays, but it's actually not at all. Similarly to allow haircuts and music during the Omer also is simple. Just declaring Hallel with a bracha is more complicated, but an historic return to the forgotten background of the "6 Day War" helps clarify that, as well.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Iyar 27 5781
    Jerusalem Day

    Jerusalem Day: Some Stones Are Hearts

    Translated by Hillel Fendel

    The Western Wall looks simply like a big and menacing block of rocks. One must look with penetrating eyes to sense what it really expresses: the longing of dozens of generations, the prayers of our forefathers and foremothers, and the joy of all those who commemorated their happy occasions there over the course of centuries.

    Rabbi Azriel Ariel | Iyar 25 5781

    A Tale of Two Mountains

    This Shabbat, we find ourselves between two staggering events: the tragedy at Har Meron last Friday, and Yom Yerushalayim this Sunday night and Monday. Two mountains, steeped in Jewish history, associated with the most significant personalities and pathos: Avraham, Yitzchak and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai.

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Iyar 25 5781
    36 min
    Additional Lessons

    Y'rushalayim: Uniting Religious-Zionist-Humanist- The 3 Ideologies of Mankind

    When Jerusalem is built in her glory, and even already today, it's the religious, national and universal capitol of Israel. God placed the "checks and balance" system, comprised by this Triumvirate of the king (national leader), Nasi haSenhedrin (religious leader) and Kohen Gadol ("Lover of Peace"- the humanist/universal leader) on one mountain forcing them to unite and work together. Rav Kook analyzes that all human ideologies are either right-wing (natl.), left (humanist), or religious (all the above are religious, but here, in the limited sense), who are all necessary, and also limit each other from going extreme. As long as each stress the positive & compliments the others, and isn't "anti", we will reveal the Unity of God and Israel.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Iyar 25 5780
    Parashat Hashavua

    “All the Congregation of Bnei Yisrael” – for Yom Yerushalayim

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Iyar 25 5780
    Jerusalem Day

    What Upset the Kadis in Cyprus?

    Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon | 5778
    Jerusalem Day

    Memories and regrets

    The Six Day War brought to the Jewish world a sense of unity and solidarity that since then has never been matched. The stark divisions in the Jewish world have since then been magnified and intensified

    Rabbi Berel Wein
    Jerusalem Day

    The Torah and the Joy of Jerusalem

    “Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad with her, all of you who love her” (Isaiah 66:10). When we rejoice over the restoration of Jerusalem, we must also pray that the city not fall again. This is done via the Torah, which sustains and strengthens us.

    Rabbi Shlomo Amar | Iyar 5768
    Jerusalem Day

    Selections from a Diary of Jerusalem's Liberation

    When I finished the memorial service we all stood at attention and sang "Ha-Tikvah." After this, I kissed the Regional Headquarters Commanding General and other soldiers and officers, and then I began singing, "This year in the restored Jerusalem!"

    Rabbi Shlomo Goren zt"l | Iyar 5767

    The Big Jewish Af?

    We thank Hashem that we personally have found solace and refuge in our true home and hope that the entire nation in exile will move from the exile to Eretz Yisrael.

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Iyar 5767
    Jerusalem Day

    Jerusalem - Seek Her Out and Find Her

    The Torah refers to Jerusalem as “the place which God shall choose,” but does not inform us as to where this place is or what its name is. By concealing the Holy City from us and forcing us to seek her out, God aimed at endearing Jerusalem to us.

    Rabbi David Dov Levanon | 5659
    Jerusalem Day

    “Ascribe Strength to God”

    King David, the King of Israel, turns to the Nation of Israel and entreats them to “ascribe strength to God.” You, the Jewish People, must ascribe strength to God, for “His majesty is dependent upon Israel” (Psalm 68:35).

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | 5764
    Jerusalem Day

    From Zion to Jerusalem and Back Again

    Jerusalem Day

    Jerusalem Day

    Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | 5764
    Jerusalem Day

    The Crowns of Jerusalem

    Jerusalem’s eminence stems from its being the city of the Holy Temple, the home of the kingdom of Israel, and the Torah center of the world. In liberating Jerusalem we merited advancing toward the full revelation of the greatness of the Holy City.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Iyar 5763
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר