Beit Midrash

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17 Lessons
    Charity and Lending Money

    Maaser Kesafim

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 8 Shvat 5784
    Charity and Lending Money

    How Much of a Tzedaka Preference to Relatives?

    I learned that one should prioritize giving tzedaka to relatives over others. I give a nice amount of tzedaka, almost exclusively out of the family (which also has a few poor people), which I feel is more altruistic. Can you explain this halacha and give some halachic guidelines?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tamuz 7 5782
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Giving Ma’aser Years Later

    Over the years, I have received cash gifts for birthdays, bar mitzva, etc. and never gave ma’aser kesafim (=mk) from them. I would like to do so now but do not remember the exact amounts I received. What should I do?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Iyar 21 5781
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Accidentally Paying Back Early

    the Citigroup “bank” mistakenly paid some $900 mil. to Revlon’s creditors before the loans were due. A few big creditors refused to return the money. A court ruled that since the creditors took the money (they were owed) in good faith, they need not return it. Would the halachic ruling be the same?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Iyar 7 5781
    Charity and Lending Money

    Change of Policy

    Do we have to allow beggers from out of the city to come and collect donations in our city? r\Rav Neventzal answers with a story from the Gr"a.

    Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Shvat 4 5781
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Is Rounding Up Ribbit?

    I was told that the "Paybox" app that allows sending money enables payments only of full shekalim. So when my wife and many others use it to repay a friend who bought something at the grocery that has an agurot element, they must round the numbers. Is rounding up a problem of ribbit?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 21 5781
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Backing Out of a Pledge to a Jewish School

    May one to decide not to go through with his donation pledge to a Jewish school? If so, must he take steps such as hatarat nedarim?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Elul 18 5780
    Charity and Lending Money

    The Bankrupt Borrower

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Av 19 5780
    The Coronavirus Pandemic

    Confronting Corona – a Halachic Proposal to Consider

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Av 5 5780
    Charity and Lending Money

    The Kosher Way to Collect a Loan

    Although it is a very big mitzvah to lend money, some people are reluctant to do so because they know of loans that proved difficult to collect. Must you lend someone money if you are not sure it will ever be repaid? What do you do if you lent money to someone who seemed very honest and sincere, but now that it comes time to repay, he informs you that he is penniless? What may you do and what may you not do to collect your money? How can you guarantee that you get your money back?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Shvat 22 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Using Tzedaka Funds for Grandchildren’s Education

    Can one use ma’aser money to pay for their grandchildren’s education? Is there a distinction between grandsons and granddaughters or Judaic studies and general studies? If it is permitted, may I putting money in a 529 fund (which earmarks savings for education, primarily post-secondary in return for tax breaks for the donor in the US)?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 23 5780
    Charity and Lending Money

    Tidbits of Interest

    Some Aspects of the Halachos of Ribbis

    Some Aspects of the Halachos of Ribbis

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Shvat 23 5779
    Charity and Lending Money

    Raiding the Pushka and Related Questions

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar I 21 5776
    Charity and Lending Money

    Returning the Donations After the Recipient Died

    Various Rabbis | Cheshvan 21 5776
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Inheritance Without Ma’aser Kesafim

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Cheshvan 21 5776
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Paying a Poor Person’s Guaranteed Loan from Ma’aser Money

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5775

    The Bankrupt Borrower

    “I loaned someone money, and I did not hassle him for payment when he told me that things were tough. Recently, I contacted him to ask if he is in any position to pay back. He replied that he was forced into bankruptcy and thereby absolved all his debts. Does he, indeed, no longer owe me for the loan?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
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